Category Hierarchy

Category Hierarchy

This structure between categories is already hiding in the data, we just need to extract it. The Overlap Similarity algorithm is the perfect choice for this type of problem.

The overlap coefficient, or Szymkiewicz–Simpson coefficient, is a similarity measure that measures the overlap between two sets. It is defined as the size of the intersection divided by the smaller of the size of the two sets:

It is computed using the following formula:


If set X is a subset of Y or vice versa then the overlap coefficient is equal to one.

Running the algorithm on dummy data

We want to compute the similarity of categories based on the same businesses being tagged with that category. Let’s see how the algorithm works with some dummy data.

  {item: 7, categories: [10,11,12]},
  {item: 8, categories: [10,11]},
  {item: 9, categories: [11,12,13,14,15]}
] AS data
YIELD item1, item2, similarity
RETURN item1, item2, similarity
ORDER BY similarity DESC

In this dummy dataset, item 8 has a similarity score of 1.0 with item 7, which means that item 8 is a complete subset of item 7. Item 7 itself is a subset of item 9, but it’s not a complete subset as item 7 has one category that item 9 does not.

Running the algorithm on real data

Now we want to run the algorithm on the Yelp dataset. We need to build a collection of items like we did in our previous example, but this time the collection will consist of data from our graph rather than being hard coded.

The query below provides a template for computing the Overlap Similarity of categories based on the businesses tagged with those categories. Update the query (copied from the documentation) to:

  • Compute similarity between categories based on the business tagged with that category (Hint: you’ll need to use the IN_CATEGORY relationship)

  • Choose a similarity cut off value (Hint: look at the similarityCutOff parameter)

  • Store the results in Neo4j (Hint: look at the write parameter)

// Change this part of the query
MATCH (book:Book)-[:HAS_GENRE]->(genre)
WITH {item:id(genre), categories: collect(id(book))} as userData

WITH collect(userData) as data

// Fill in the config in this part of the query
CALL algo.similarity.overlap(data, {


YIELD nodes, similarityPairs, p50, p75, p90, p99
RETURN nodes, similarityPairs, p50, p75, p90, p99;

Answer: Running the algorithm on real data

This is what the query should look like:

MATCH (category:Category)<-[:IN_CATEGORY]-(business)
WITH {item:id(category), categories: collect(id(business))} AS userData

WITH collect(userData) as data

CALL algo.similarity.overlap(data, {
  write: true, similarityCutoff: 0.75

YIELD nodes, similarityPairs, p50, p75, p90, p99
RETURN nodes, similarityPairs, p50, p75, p90, p99;

Remove transitive relationships

The algorithm will create relationships between nodes that aren’t strictly adjacent in the hierarchy. Let’s remove those transitive relationships by running the following query:

MATCH (g1:Category)-[:NARROWER_THAN*2..]->(g3:Category),

Viewing the hierarchy

Let’s have a look at the hierarchy that we’ve created. The following query will find 10 of these paths:

MATCH path = (category:Category)-[:NARROWER_THAN*]->(superCategory:Category)

Now that we’ve computed relationships between categories, let’s go back to the CodeSandbox and update the application to only return top level categories.

Top level categories don’t have an outgoing NARROWER_THAN relationship.