Twitter election graph

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This demo will guide the user through exploring the "Twitter Election Graph". The dataset consists of over 5 million tweets about the US election from over 1.7 million Twitter users during the month of July 2016. The data was collected from streaming results from the Twitter API for tweets from election candidates or those using hashtags related to the US 2016 presidental election.

Data model


Neo4j uses the property graph data model, which consists of nodes (the entities or objects in the graph) and relationships that connect them. We can see the graph data model of our Twitter election graph:

Sample the graph and return the data model
call apoc.meta.graphSample(2000)

To execute this query, please click on the statement above to put the query in the query editor above.
Hit the triangular button or press Ctrl+Enter to run it and see the resulting visualization.

As you can see from the results of this query, the data model consists of:


  • Tweet - a status update posted to Twitter

  • User - a Twitter user, uniquely identified by a screen_name property

  • Source - the application used by the user to post a tweet (Twitter website, iOS app, etc.)

  • Link - a url embedded in a tweet

  • Hashtag - a word or phrase preceded by a hash (#) and used to identify messages on a specific topic


  • (:User)-[POSTS]→(:Tweet)

  • (:Tweet)-[:MENTIONS]→(:User)

  • (:Tweet)-[:TAGS]→(:Hashtag)

  • (:Tweet)-[:QUOTES|RETWEETS|REPLY_TO]→(:Tweet)

Cypher Introduction

Graph Patterns

Neo4j’s query language, Cypher, is centered around graph patterns which represents entities with parentheses, for example, (:User) and connections with arrows, for example -[:POSTS]->.

:User and :POSTS are the types of the node and the connection, respectively.

Here is an example pattern: (u:User)-[:POSTS]->(:Tweet)-[:TAGS]->(ht:Hashtag). These patterns may be found with the MATCH clause.

Other Clauses

The following clauses may follow a MATCH clause. They work with the properties stored at the nodes and relationships found in the graph matching that pattern.


WHERE u.screen_name CONTAINS 'realDonaldTrump'


WITH AS hashtag, count(*) AS frequency


RETURN hashtag, frequency


ORDER BY frequency DESC



Most common hashtags used by Donald Trump
MATCH (u:User)-[:POSTS]->(:Tweet)-[:TAGS]->(ht:Hashtag)
WHERE u.screen_name CONTAINS "realDonaldTrump"
WITH AS hashtag, count(*) AS frequency
RETURN hashtag, frequency
ORDER BY frequency DESC LIMIT 20;

To execute this query, please click on the statement above to put the query in the query editor above.
Hit the triangular button or press Ctrl+Enter to run it and see the resulting visualization.

Query for graph results

graph results

You can think of the Neo4j Browser as a workbench for executing queries against Neo4j and visualizing the results. The Neo4j Browser includes tools for graph visualization. Let’s examine some results in graph form:

// Show the first few Tweets, Users and Hashtags
MATCH p=(:User)-[:POSTS]->(t:Tweet)-->()

To execute this query, please click on the statement above to put the query in the query editor above.
Hit the triangular button or press Ctrl+Enter to run it and see the resulting visualization.

Query for tabular results

We can also return results in tabular format. Let’s look at the most common hashtags used by verified Twitter users (those likely to be politicans and official accounts in this dataset):

// Most common hashtags for verified Twitter users
MATCH (u:User)-[:POSTS]->(:Tweet)-[:TAGS]->(h:Hashtag) WHERE u.verified = true
RETURN, count(*) AS num ORDER BY num DESC

To execute this query, please click on the statement above to put the query in the query editor above.
Hit the triangular button or press Ctrl+Enter to run it and see the resulting visualization.

Note that we’re traversing over millions of paths here and aggregating on the results of our traversal to find the most common hashtags.

Top mentions of a user

Who is mentioning Donald Trump the most in this dataset?

  (u:User)-[:POSTS]->(t:Tweet)-[:MENTIONS]->(m:User {screen_name:'realDonaldTrump'})
  u.screen_name <> 'realDonaldTrump'
  u.screen_name AS screen_name, COUNT(u.screen_name) AS count

To execute this query, please click on the statement above to put the query in the query editor above.
Hit the triangular button or press Ctrl+Enter to run it and see the resulting visualization.

Top mentions of a user - verified only

Let’s filter the mentions to only include those from verified users.

  (u:User)-[:POSTS]->(t:Tweet)-[:MENTIONS]->(m:User {screen_name:'realDonaldTrump'})
  u.screen_name <> 'realDonaldTrump' AND u.verified = true
  u.screen_name AS screen_name, COUNT(u.screen_name) AS count

To execute this query, please click on the statement above to put the query in the query editor above.
Hit the triangular button or press Ctrl+Enter to run it and see the resulting visualization.

Text search

We can incorporate text search into our queries as well. Let’s now examine some tweets that contain hashtags about the "Brexit" - Britain’s recent vote to leave the European Union.

MATCH (h:Hashtag) WHERE CONTAINS "brexit"
MATCH (h)<-[r:TAGS]-(t)-[a]-(o)

To execute this query, please click on the statement above to put the query in the query editor above.
Hit the triangular button or press Ctrl+Enter to run it and see the resulting visualization.

Links from interesting retweets

Many tweets contain urls - links to articles and other media. We can use the power of the graph to find potentially interesting content. Here we look for links contained in popular tweets retweeted by Bernie Sanders.

MATCH (:User {screen_name: 'BernieSanders'})-[:POSTS]->
OPTIONAL MATCH (rt)-[:TAGS]->(ht:Hashtag)
RETURN t.text AS tweet, coalesce(link.expanded_url, link.url) AS url, collect( AS hashtags, rt.favorites AS favorites
ORDER BY favorites DESC LIMIT 10

To execute this query, please click on the statement above to put the query in the query editor above.
Hit the triangular button or press Ctrl+Enter to run it and see the resulting visualization.

Users tweeting with common tags

What users are posting tweets using hashtags most similar to those used by President Barack Obama?

MATCH (me:User {screen_name:'BarackObama'})-[:POSTS]->(tweet:Tweet)-[:TAGS]->(ht)
OPTIONAL MATCH (tweet)<-[:RETWEETS]-(retweet)
WITH me,ht, collect(distinct retweet) as retweets
MATCH (ht)<-[:TAGS]-(tweet2:Tweet)<-[:POSTS]-(sugg:User)
WHERE sugg <> me and NOT(tweet2 IN retweets)
WITH sugg, count(distinct(ht)) as common
RETURN sugg.screen_name as friend, common

To execute this query, please click on the statement above to put the query in the query editor above.
Hit the triangular button or press Ctrl+Enter to run it and see the resulting visualization.